007 - Drive To Lunch.

When Kyle gets excited about things, he tends to express it by going, "HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY!" Let's just say, this car ride had more "hey" in it than a barn. Who would have thought that the simple act of driving in a mini-mall parking lot could create such fear. Quick advice on parking lots: don't pass people; don't pull u-turns; don't honk your horn, especially while yelling "Daunavan's here! Daunavan's here!" The looks you get are not desirable. Still, getting that Maroon 5 specialty cup at Subway was definitely worth it.

1 comment:

* shaina * * said...

i have no idea what any of that meant, but i liked it! hahahah. the looks on those guys' faces are delightful. and it also reminded me of all the glares i got for no apparent reason from people in other cars in regina yesterday. (i made faces at them to make them feel retarded and it was inexplicably gratifying)