004 - Crime Of Passion.

Sometimes, I put a lot of hope in things that are really more trivial than i realize. For example, hoping a certain someone shows up at a show, and then being disappointed when she doesn't. Regardless, it resulted in one of the most violent acts of passion i've ever committed.

Matt O'Shea gave me this potted plant, right at the start of the show, and said, "Hey, give this to that cute girl that's got your eye!" I thought it over for a second, and said, "Yeah! Thanks Matt". So as I spent the night holding on to this thing, hoping to see her, I thought about how the gift probably wouldn't be given. She never came, which isn't a big deal (people do have lives), and as I left the lounge, I ran into fellow musician Jeff Hawker. Jeff, carrying his stool, asked me about the plant. I went on to tell him the dramatics, when I was hit by lightning. 'What a cool idea!' I thought, 'I'll put the plant on the stool, and get someone to take a picture of me busking with it.' So I orchestrated the whole thing, and told Alex to take the picture whenever she felt it was to be taken. So I played this song, Alex took the picture, and as soon as I finished the song, the thoughts of abandonment still fresh in my mind, I proceeded to kick the potted plant with all my strength. The adrenaline rush of bringing foot to plant was too overwhelming to describe. Of course the aftermath was less desirable: the plant happened to land right in my guitar case, located below it. I just finished vacuuming out the dirt. Regardless, sometimes things like that need to happen: plants must be kicked, feelings told, whispers turned into cries. I think our culture lacks passion, so for one moment, it was nice to bring a little back.

1 comment:

* shaina * * said...

YAH! more kicking! more screaming! more pushing! more falling dramatically on the floor!